Sunday, 18 December 2011

Stripped Bare...

With some two weeks left till New Year's Eve and late last night - following watching an afternoon and evening of football involving FOUR separate leagues in Europe, I decided to take some time out to clear out any fucking programs which either clogged the lappy - which meant getting rid of quite a bit of stuff!

But it needed to be done, and needed to be done now, as I don't want there to be any issues ahead of planning of my sets which has already started of sorts, as I mentioned yesterday. I've also decided to put my VMS4 into Post-EQ mode - which means that I can map all the knobs and buttons the way that I want - which might mean - if I'm able to work it out - mapping the two channels either side of the channels that I use to control the decks to give myself more options like perfect loop-looping (I think that's how it should be said,) as well as more knobs to be used - might might give myself an knob specifically for loop manipulation as well.

Now, that is a thought!

Other ideas will be very, very welcome!

The other thing that is playing on my mind, is a visual show for the night - we've got a definite idea of what's happening at Midnight, but am looking for stock imagery to be changed on a hourly basis to change the atmosphere - again suggestions would be very much appreciated!!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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