Monday, 8 December 2014

Pandering To The Stuck Up

I can't be the only person in the land who thinks that some of the festive adverts for the coming season have got an distintively stuck-up favour to them this year.  The way that advertisers seem to be trying their utmost to crack that ABC1 demographic.  There have been an couple of adverts that have really got my ire this season so far.
Jeees, where is there to start - is it the blatantly middle class mentality of the actors in this advert, the 'smell of skiing' comment reeks of a certain state of superiority, replacing Hertfordshire for Chamonix or Aspen - why not set a Christmas dinner scene in an community centre - instead of a stately home. AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH.
2. House Of Fraser
Now this is pretentious nonsense - they ask models - yes models - who they want to give a early Xmas present to. Makes you want to projectile vomit. It is that vain and empty - and so completely out of touch with reality - you really do wonder who is coming up with these ideas. We all know that advertising agencies are probably the most pompous bunch of muppets out there - and based on this year's seasonal adverts - this just confirms it.

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